I chose this appropriate date to see what FILTER readers think about pot and the laws governing it. Ever since Michael Phelps’ bong photo made the news earlier this year, a serious dialogue about our nation’s drug policies (especially marijuana) has arisen. Finally! So let’s open up the dialogue here. What do you think we should do?
I’ll start by saying that keeping pot illegal has had so many negative effects on society that I’d say it is time to try a new strategy. Time to legalize!! Share your thoughts in the comment section below.
Below, I've posted the movie Reefer Madness for your enjoyment:
Oh please, people have been trying to legalize pot long before Michael Phelps' photo debacle happened. I'd be curious to hear what kind of negative effects on society you're referring to as far as the current laws go. I think that regulating it could be beneficial in terms of taxes and government, but I don't think the current laws are in any way detrimental to society, and I think far too many people are overeager to emphasize the positives for their own personal desires.
Posted by: Amanda | Monday, April 20, 2009 at 04:19 PM
I do believe that marijuana should be legalized and, probably therefore, regulated. There are many reasons that I think this, but let me just say that I grew up with family members who had substance abuse problems including hardcore drugs, alcohol, and/or marijuana. I can say that the solely-marijuana users were the only ones who weren't harmful to their family and society on some level or another, and often many.
Unlike Amanda's assumption, I'm not "overeager to emphasize the positives for" my "own personal desires." What, you didn't watch last night's 420 episode of "Family Guy"? (read: tongue-in-cheek. see, also: http://marijuana.drugwarrant.com/)
Posted by: Jodi Anderson :: so NOT cool | Monday, April 20, 2009 at 06:06 PM
instead of questioning why it should be legalized...i for one would looooooooove to hear why it should be illegal...just a handful of FACT based reasons why it should not only be illegal but also why the prisons should be FULL of people that had no other charges only that they were in posession of some quanity of marijuana...Henry Ford knew why and the reasons r probably still the same today.
Posted by: mike d | Monday, April 20, 2009 at 07:05 PM
The current marijuana laws are detrimental to society for the following reasons. First, we've created a new class of criminals. Meanwhile TONS of taxpayer money is spent on police, prosecution, prisons, and parole for these pot users. 70 years after prohibition was introduced, it has had little effect on people's desire to use nor their ability to acquire pot. Imagine how our tax money could be used to better society?? Wasting this money seems pretty detrimental to me. Secondly, prohibition doesn't work and that was proven in the 1930's with alcohol. It does however breed violence and other nasty criminal activities. Prohibition of pot helps the worst people in society get rich and powerful. We ALREADY have laws in place to deal with violent or destructive behavior. Passing a drug law in the name of preventing these crimes only more funnels more money and resources into a bureaucratic abyss.
Posted by: Jeff | Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at 07:31 AM
haha Amanda I totally saw that episode and it furthers my love for Seth McFarlane. I like the idea of decriminalizing. It's not legal to sell by tobacco companies (like Marlboro who's got a line of marijuana cigarettes waiting to ship) but this way, many people will not be persecuted for indulging in a plant. A plant. A plant with so many uses it can save the world's economy in so many way. Clothing, food, medicine, car doors for heaven's sake! It's an awesome plant indeed.
I simply wish it wasn't stigmatized so much, which is where decriminalization helps. No, this does not solve the problem completely, and will not appease many. But it's certainly a start. And at least this way it can begin to be more regulated, and at least added to the country's GDP? I mean, they say CA has the world's (5th or 6th?) largest economy; was that before or after they counted all the farms?
If anything, I want the next generation to understand the plant and ALL of its uses instead of simply a drug. Hah! A drug. If you want to be drug free, then stop trying to be happy all the time. Serotonin's a drug too ya know. But I digress.
My point is, I want to see the youth of today and the leaders of tomorrow understand the usefulness of hemp/ marijuana so it can used to save the world/ economy/ starving babies/ whatever. It's a great plant, and awesome to cook with too! :)
Posted by: Eva | Friday, April 24, 2009 at 12:25 AM
Sorry, props go out to Jodi, not Amanda, for the Family Guy reference. Let me know what you think of my post though!
Posted by: Eva | Friday, April 24, 2009 at 12:27 AM