Over a week has passed since Iran’s post-election chaos began and from my perspective the situation for the ‘green team’ doesn’t seem to be getting any better. News on the subject has ranged from stories of horror to heroism. In this country, there appears to be a general growing concern for the political future of Iran. I’ve been following what’s going on in the news (and Twitter) and to be brutally honest, I find that I don’t really care as much as I do about other things happening these days.
Now to be clear, it’s not that I don’t care at all. I just don’t share the seemingly overwhelming fervor of those who wear green or shade their profile picture green on Twitter in support of “change” in Iran. While I find it exciting to see people interested in making life better, I believe we have plenty of battles to fight right here in the USA.
Here’s my Top 10 List of current crisis-level, socio-political issues that I care more about than Iran right now:
- Ending the wars in Iraq & Afghanistan and bringing the troops home
- Fixing the economic crisis while working towards ending hunger & poverty
- Making healthcare in the US a “right” not a luxury
- Cleaning up & protecting what's left of the environment
- Establishing justice & equality for ALL citizens
- Generating safe and reliable energy independence
- Reviving our nation’s infrastructure such as roads, bridges, levees, etc
- Fixing public education and making higher learning affordable
- Re-evaluating the ‘war on drugs’ and all it’s failures
- Reforming the prison system and reducing the world's largest population of convicts
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